Teaching is  <span> our passion and your </span> child is
our Priority

Teaching is our passion and your child is our Priority

Our program is designed to enhance a student’s self-confidence and encourage independence.

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Teaching is  <span> our passion and your </span> child is
our Priority
Teaching is  <span> our passion and your </span> child is
our Priority
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"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”.

"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”.

About Us About Us
About Us

Education is our Passion and Your Child is our Priority.

We prepare children to face the challenges of life with confidence, imagination and integrity. We partner with families to bring out the best in every child. We are committed to creating an environment where children acquire wisdom,

lead lives of personal honour, embrace diversity, appreciate beauty, pursue physical well-being and act with generosity and compassion.

  • Transportation
  • Outdoor Games
  • Nutritious Food
  • Best Care
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sharda vidya niketan public school

Our Aim

Our goal is to support and nurture the children's and our own natural desire to be lifelong learners. We are committed to the families we serve, providing support and encouragement.

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Our Aim
Our Aim
About Me
Dr. Neetu Singh Verma


From principal's desk

"Dear students, it is my message to you all that the people of fine character live by their values. They are honest and are committed to truthfulness, word and deed. True character thus encompasses the capacity for self-discipline. Character creates self-respect, which in turn leads to high self-esteem."
sharda vidya niketan public school

Our Mission

To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.

About Us
sharda vidya niketan public school

Our Vision

Our vision is a community where all children feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential
our vision is for each child to develop a curiosity of learning, discover their interests and grow in their love of learning. we also desire to have strong families through parents support/ fellowship and skills training.
We believe that a Happy child is a successful one.we are committed to provide a positive safe and stimulating environment for children to learn,where all are valued.we intend that all children should enjoy their learning,achieve their potential and become independent life long learners.

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sharda vidya niketan public school

Ad. Ajeet Singh Verma
From the chairman's desk

Childhood is the space where a man is physically developed, educationally skilled, but simultaneously be equipped with the qualities of honesty, sincerity, dedication, punctuality, discipline, perseverance, a sense of service to the society and working towards a national goal. If, however, the adult-taught is directed to career building alone, may end up to a corrupt machine of resource production only, aimed to self-aggrandizing process.
Swami Vivekananda never talked of “nation building”etc. He specified only at “character building” of man.He said,” Man making is my mission”. If ancient India has taught us to unfolding of divinity with development of human life, present civilization must not be content to contain education for bread and butter alone. It remains to be seen whether evolution of mankind takes up the challenges in right earnest and that’s too in an ancient civilization like ours.

Ad. Ajeet Singh Verma <br>From the chairman's desk
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We always give extra care to our student's skills improvements and feel excited to share our latest research and leanings!

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